My adoring wife bought me this system for Christmas...and I must say it works pretty damn good. Now, every knife, pair of scissors, axe, shovel blade, ...anything that has an edge razor sharp !! The Work Sharp Knife & Tool Sharpener uses flexible abrasive belts, and is able to sharpen not just straight bladed knives, but also curved knives, tanto blades, filet knives, serrated knives, gut hooks and virtually any other shape of knife blade. Using precision angle sharpening guides to ensure that you get the proper angle every time...there are two guides included: a 50° guide for hunting and outdoor knives (25° per bevel) and a 40° guide for thinner blades and kitchen knives (20° per bevel). ============================== At Lowes it was $79.99 on sale ( less with our military discount ) with two extra grit belts each included... Extra belts can also be purchased at point of sale for $9.99 a box... ... s.tpl.html ================================
nice sharpening kit shooter, going to have to check it out. A knife sharpener is one thing i dont have...
my brother has the spyderco knife sharpening kit (they go for about $80 on amazon) and he really likes the kit. the kit comes with everything needed. ... +sharpener
We use this one: ... 27s+choice It works well for our budget blades but some reviewers feel strongly that it's NOT the tool for expensive knives.