Howdy from Texas

Discussion in 'New Member Welcome Area' started by HawkeyeSATX, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. HawkeyeSATX

    HawkeyeSATX Copper BB

    I'm brand new to the Forum, and just got my first ever Browning Rifle, a ShortTrac BAR in 300WSM!

    I'm originally from Iowa, the Hawkeye Sate. Plus, I've had friends call me Hawkeye, because of my shooting abilities. Hence the Hawkeye in my member name.

    I was wondering if anyone else shoots a ShortTrac BAR in .300WSM?
    I've already had one buddy poo-poo on my rifle choice. He says they're not accurate, nor are they light , and unwieldy.

    Can anyone else help me object to his misgivings?

    Attached Files:

  2. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Welcome to the Browning Owners Forum !! buddy sounds jealous.
    HawkeyeSATX likes this.
  3. HawkeyeSATX

    HawkeyeSATX Copper BB

    Thank you, Shooter13!

    He very well could be !
    I have another buddy who bought one back in the late 80's, he loved his.

    The one that rained on my parade, also said they were extremely not accurate.

    Any personal experience on them not being able to shoot?
  4. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Sorry I can't help you shut your "buddy" up....but I'm sure your range report will speak for it's self.

    Enjoy our community...
    HawkeyeSATX likes this.
  5. HawkeyeSATX

    HawkeyeSATX Copper BB

    Thanks Shooter13!

    I so want to shut him up by posting a pic of a target after my range session.

    I know my abilities with a rifle, and know how to rest a BAR on sand bags, not on the front part of the stock.

    I'm going to prove him wrong! Come hell or high water!
  6. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Good for you my friend...and keep us in the loop.
  7. HawkeyeSATX

    HawkeyeSATX Copper BB

    I certainly will!
    SHOOTER13 likes this.

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