Hello from Oklahoma

Discussion in 'New Member Welcome Area' started by Richard kirkland, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Richard kirkland

    Richard kirkland Copper BB

    Good Morning! I have been reading reading about the Browning 1911 380 for several months. I am saving up to buy one early in 2017. I am also looking for holsters to CCW the pistol. As a left handed shooter that can narrow the choices.
    I am 74 years old and own a number of firearms, but more pistols than rifles or shotguns. I try to shoot several times a month with friends at the red Castle Gun Club on the John Sink Ranch, located North West of Tulsa Oklahoma. We setup our own version of an IDPA stage and practice using a timer and take turns acting as a safety officer and shooter.

    My arthritis has grown worse over the years and has caused me to stop shooting .45 caliber and move to 9mm. Now I am thinking about .380 in a larger pistol with more weight. The Browning 1911 380 at 17.5 ounces might be the right size, weight and balance. I have handled several at local gun stores. The pistol is very slender and with a good holster should carry discreetly.

    Any input from fellow pistol owners of this pistol would be most welcome

    -- Richard
  2. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Welcome to the Browning Owners Forum Richard !!

    Enjoy our community...

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