Gents, If the majority of the wood raised ring on the rear of the forearm ( that inserts into the groves in the forward end of the receiver) is missing, is that it ?? No Hope? Or is there any reliable fix or remedy that can be accomplished ? Your experience and wisdom is requested, Thanks in advance. Respectfully, JB
Thats all about all I have left. My gun is in 20 gauge and as far as I know, no one made synthetic forearms for 20 gauge guns. In my particular case, the rear of the forearm is expanding out in that area where ring doesn't exist. If I continue to shoot the gun, it will damage the forearm further. I did order a "new" original forearm from Numrich for under 100 bucks that will put the gun back in action, however one can tell they were browning rejects as the finished color is way off and rather displeasing from anything browning would put out. Would love to get my matching forearm back in working order.
Send the wood to Art. He will repair or replace and match both. It may not be perfect, but pretty darn close.