AK Photo Thread

Discussion in 'Long Guns' started by LAZY EYED SNIPER, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. Let's see those AKs!

    Here's my Romanian rudeboy...

  2. DHonovich

    DHonovich Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Here is my New York compliant Romanian AK47

  3. Ordered a new set of traditional Romanian wood furniture. Had to completely strip and refinish it, but
    I think it came out great...


    I'm really diggin the new look and I don't see too many AKs with the wood foregrip built into the handguard...
  4. DHonovich

    DHonovich Founder Staff Member Administrator

    That came out awesome!
  5. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Here's a pic of my Yugoslavian AKMS ( 7,62x39mm ) manufactured by Zastava Arms in the city of Kragujevac, in modern day Serbia.



    Assault Rifle M70AB2
    Calibre (mm) 7,62x39
    Twist rate (mm) 240
    Number of grooves 4

    Weight (kg)
    Weapon 4.04
    Magazine, empty (30 rounds) 0.36

    Length (mm)
    Weapon with folded stock 900
    Barrel 415

    Mechanical Features
    Type of fire- Semi-Auto
    Operation- Gas operated
    Locking system- Rotating bolt

    Muzzle velocity (m/s) 720
    Rate of fire (rounds/min.) 620
    Maximum effective range (m) 300
  6. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    There has to be a few Browning Owners out there that also own an AK47 or CommBloc clone that would like to share a picture and the story of the weapon...I know I would like to hear about it !!
  7. My Pop's Norinco MAK 90..

  8. Charlieb68

    Charlieb68 .22LR

    I like the MAK 90. I picked one up yesterday with a couple of 75 round drum magazines, but mine doesn't have the original wood furniture on it, been replaced with plastic AR style stock and Aluminum Quad rail.
  9. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    We need pics Charlie...!! ;)
  10. Charlieb68

    Charlieb68 .22LR


    Here is my newly acquired MAK 90 with 2-75 round drums, 5 Tapco 30s, 1 steel 30 rounder, and 520rounds of WPA steel cased ammo
  11. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Nice setup Charlieb68 !!
  12. Charlieb68

    Charlieb68 .22LR

    Thanks I have not shot it yet, will be heading to the range this weekend.

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