A restoration or a renovation

Discussion in 'Browning Auto A-5' started by Biz, May 15, 2022.

  1. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    I don’t remember but I think it is.
    Ranger6 likes this.
  2. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Latest Restoration
    16ga Suhl trade gun

    win7stw likes this.
  3. Biz

    Biz 20g

    Nice! Is it a coincidence or you like case hardening?
  4. win7stw

    win7stw .30-06

    Beautiful. That CCH looks excellent in the sun
  5. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Thanks. This one turned out really nice, wood was pretty plain looking, checkering was mostly gone cch and blue was pretty far gone aswell. Stock had a crack somewhere I can’t rember and now I can’t find it! Very pleased
  6. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Yes I like cch especially if it was originally case color hardened
  7. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    wow very nice sir.
  8. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Latest restoration( I had to just go for it, happy I did) just came back.
    Rudolph31 and win7stw like this.
  9. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    I will have an a5 16ga cch soon (1910 with special order pistol grip), I t should be just as interesting. I have 6 barrels that fit the thing when it comes back.
  10. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Very nice Jimmy. I sure like that SxS.
  11. Biz

    Biz 20g

    Beautiful! May I ask who did the restoration?
  12. Auzzie

    Auzzie 20g

    That’s a beautiful restoration and piece along with the one above it. I am not a SxS fan but appreciate nice workmanship and examples. CCH looks nice and is very interesting subject within itself. I find it fascinating that strong UV over time actually bleaches it and changes the spectrum to the eye.
  13. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Thanks guys, Cole Haugh (Jacks son) and Jacob ( 3rd generation gun smith Jacks grandson) did this one and I am extremely pleased. I absolutely loved this Meffert gun and these guys knocked it out of the park. The gun is an entry level gun from Meffert but he just put out quality and the retailer finished it at a high level with better wood checkering and an ivory mid bead. Another round of polishing and finishing from the Haugh boys just put it over the top. It really looks, feels and shoots like a best gun. Round action and sleek as any Dickson with 31” barrels, 6lbs, M & F chokes it is a dream dove gun. All for less than 1500.00. I actually like this thing better than the 20k Merkel drop lock I stold couple weeks ago.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2023
    KyBoB likes this.
  14. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Biz helped me a bit with the Merkel. Thanks Biz![​IMG]
    win7stw, Rudolph31 and Ranger6 like this.
  15. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Soon to have a nice pair second gun was only 270.00
    Ranger6 and Rudolph31 like this.
  16. Ranger6

    Ranger6 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Global Moderator Forum Moderator

    Those are pretty sweet. I am amazed at the deals you find.
  17. Biz

    Biz 20g

    Very nice, you will forgive my ignorance, are those gun "darne"?
  18. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    Thanks. early Meffert Hubertus design. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  19. Jta5er

    Jta5er .270 WIN

    All the keeper 16s that have been restored so far. 6 more to go.
  20. Anatidae

    Anatidae .270 WIN

    It is very gratifying to realize excellent results through positive experiences. Thanks for sharing these projects and for your approach to restoration.

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