New member from western Iowa

Discussion in 'New Member Welcome Area' started by Kirk Pfeffer, Feb 8, 2017.

  1. Kirk Pfeffer

    Kirk Pfeffer Copper BB

    Hello all, wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. Names Kirk Pfeffer and I live in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Been a year into this retirement thing and enjoying myself so far. Did a lot of hunting this fall and a friend was using his 12ga A5 and it got me to thinking about a A5 I inherited when my father passed. Pulled it out of storage and turns out it's a 1956 16 ga that doesn't appear to have seen a lot of use. Actually, I don't remember it getting used hardly at all when I was a kid. May just end up being my go to gun next year.

    Looking forward to being a member of this forum and sharing some info on my gun and taking in as much info as you all are willing to share.

    Rudolph31 likes this.

    XDMBOB .270 WIN

    Welcome to the forum Kirk! That A5 is a great gun, get it out and enjoy it!
  3. Kirk Pfeffer

    Kirk Pfeffer Copper BB

    Thanks XDMBOB. I'm looking forward to sharing this gun with forum members.
  4. SHOOTER13

    SHOOTER13 Guest

    Welcome to the Browning Owners Forum Kirk !!

    Enjoy our community...

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